I'm Chris, here to help you unlock talent potential for business success.

As a former Disney Executive I’ve led strategic talent development initiatives impacting thousands with measurable results. I am passionate about helping create bigger impact with you.

I'm Chris, here to help you overcome business challenges and unlock potential.

As a former Disney Executive I’ve led strategic talent development initiatives impacting thousands with measurable results. I am passionate about helping unlock the full potential of people and business.

You’re Not Alone – Leading Today is Tough

Common Challenges:

Adapting to Growth:

“My company is growing, but our structure and methods might be outdated. Are we stuck doing things the old way?”

Reducing Turnover:

“Turnover is high, and acquisition costs are skyrocketing. There has to be a better way to build a happy, engaged team.”

Developing Leaders:

“I worry my leaders aren’t equipped to achieve our ambitious goals. How can I develop their skills?”

Improving Culture:

“Our company culture needs a serious upgrade, fast. I’m overwhelmed – where do I even start?”

I Understand the Challenges

I have faced similar challenges both as a leader and a consultant, and I love tackling them. That’s why I developed the People Building Together Approach, which focuses on:


Innovative Solutions

We work with you to create meaningful change that spreads.


Collaborative Environment

Everyone has a voice. By fostering ownership and active listening, we drive breakthroughs.


Bridging the Gap

We understand your current situation and work with you to create and integrate new approaches.


Measurable Results

We deliver results that empower people, drive business success, and create a community ripple effect.

Our services include Consulting, Coaching, Speaking, and Workshops, all tailored to address the challenges holding you and your team back.